Pink & Glitter Nails

a pinky/white French mani colour called Amazing Gracie. Topped with Laquerlicious stained glass to and used

Gold & brown

Gold Glitter, Carbon and Brown script from ladydanger1

Fancy Bow

Got a little fancy with some dots, rhinestones and

Mila Kunis Inspired

Mila Kunis Inspired from Bows & Curtseys.

Holiday Nails

Holiday nails,m gold stripes.

Glitter eye makeup

Glitter eye makeup from vegas_nay.

Carnival Nails

Carnival by Technic sponged on from thenailasaurus.

Everyday Look

natural,everyday look for work or school by pausaparafeminices


Dotticure, pink white and blue from ashleyispolishaddicted

So Pretty

So pretty, don’t you just love glitter from Paige